As the Boy Scouts ponders its policy toward gay, many of our opponents are clamoring about pedophilia, some of them even invoking the strange, self-negating example of Jerry Sandusky, the heterosexually-married child molester.
Others are shying away from the pedophilia connection. Instead they ask whether you’d let a straight man take a troop of girl into the woods for an overnight stay. That sounds so reasonable it’s enough to give you a moment’s pause.
But just a short moment. Because if you’re trying to be reasonable you have to remember this fact:
You’re safer leaving your son in the care of a man who says that he’s gay than with a man who says that he’s not.
This seems like a good time to repost a video I made three years ago on that topic:
Call it the Sandusky Principle. If we known about this criminal back when I made the video I’d have offered him up as an example.
One last thing, something I pointed out the clip: When our opponents demonize openly gay men and falsely shine the spotlight on us, they’re letting the real abusers hide in the darkness. And continue their abuse.