The Prop 8 trial, predictably, has shown our opposition spreading this most vicious lie about the LGBT community.
Homosexuals are 12 times more likely to molest children.
This particular version comes from William Tam, who volunteered be a defendant in the trial against Prop 8 and then dropped out, claiming the publicity might lead us to take revenge on him. Our side called him as a hostile witness anyway, and exposed his hateful ignorance, pathetic illogic, and blind willingness to believe whatever anti-gay crap he reads on the Internet. Even the Prop 8 lawyers tried to distance themselves from him – during cross-examination, I mean, not during the campaign. During the campaign they were happy to have him out there spreading this evil.
But the best cure for dishonesty is truth. We all need to be able to debunk these lies. I hope this will help.
You can find a transcript of the video here. I have to give credit to some great resources I used in making this video:
- Box Turtle Bulletin. Jim Burroway has put together a thorough analysis of this issue. He goes into far greater range and depth than I could ever attempt in a 5-minute youtube. He’s distilled a great deal of scholarly research and lists his sources in full detail. Box Turtle Bulletin has also been the driving force in exposing Uganda’s kill-the-gays legislation. It’s a great site.
- Dr. Gregory Herek. This professor at UC-Davis – and witness in the Prop 8 trial – has a wonderful article on the controversy. The most valuable part, for me, is his systematic dismantling of the research our opponents try to use when demonizing us.
And, as much as I hate it, I suppose I’d best link to one more site.
- His post, “The Tisinai Formula,” is what really got this video going. I kind of hate linking to him because it’s probably going to give his blog more attention than it’s even gotten, and he’ll love it. Maybe a little too much. The true reason for his anti-gay crusade should be pretty easy to figure out.
Anyway, thanks for reading the post and viewing the vid. It was incredibly hard to make. And I’ll address that in a blog entry soon.